Welcome to Jean-Paul's personal site. This site contains information about his professional career, and lists his publications
Jean-Paul Pittion was educated at the Lycée Champollion, Grenoble. After his baccalauréat, he studied at the Lycée Lous-le Grand, Paris and at the Lycée du Parc, Lyon, in prepration for the entrance examination of the École Normale Supérieure, rue d'Ulm to which he was admitted in 1959. He is licencié-ès-lettres, diplômé d'études supérieures agrégé de l' Université and doctor (Ph. D.) of the University of Dublin, Trinity College and fellow emeritus (FTCD) of Trinity College Dublin. He holds the distinction of Commandeur de l'ordre des Palmes académiques..
Jean-Paul Pittion was Professor at Trinity College and at the Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, His former students and colleagues have published a book of homage to him, Le Cabinet du curieux : culture, savoirs, religion de l'Antiquité à l'Ancien Régime (dir. Witold Konstanty Pietrzak et Magdalena Koźluk), Classiques Garnier, 2013).
The subject of Jean-Paul Pittion's doctoral dissertation (Trinity College, Dublin, 1969) was Intellectual Life in the Académie of Saumur, 1633-1685. A Study of the Bouhéreau Collection in Marsh's Library, Dublin. This study of the books, correspondence and archives of the physician from La Rochelle Élie Bouhéreau who as a Huguenot found refuge in Ireland at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes has orientated his subsequent teaching and research on three areas of the Early-modern period: French Protestantism and the académie of Saumur in the 17th century, the history of the printed book and of book culture 16th-18th century and intellectual history and the history of medicine 17th -early 18th century.
Publications: https://www.jeanpaulpittion.com/publications/
Unpublished Lectures & Articles https://jeanpaulpittion.com/unpublished-lectures-articles/